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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alien Warrior Comedian

I first heard about the Alien Warrior Comedian a few years ago when I was working at Laffs in Tucson. At the time I thought it sounded funny, so I googled him and watched a video on youtube. It was pretty impressive. Well, a few years went by and I had totally forgot about it. In May this year I was featuring for my buddy, Dante, at Wits End Comedy Club in Westminster, Colorado. (I'll be there New Years Eve, too, tickets are on sale soon.)

On Friday one of the managers informs us that we have a guest set, the Alien Warrior Comic! I was excited to see his act until I realized I had to follow him. I've followed low energy comics, high energy comics, guitar acts, but never a different species. I normally don't get nervous before going on stage, but when he walked in he was exremely intimidating. I'm only 5'9" and he seemed at least a foot taller than me. I wasn't sure if he was really that tall or if it was part of the costume. He took the stage at the early show and did really well, had very clever written jokes and was great handling hecklers. I was pretty impressed, he had a really solid set. Following him wasn't bad either, he got the crowd into it and they were having a great time, just made my work a lot easier.

After my set, the Alien Warrior and his buddy, Rolan, both told me they enjoyed my set. Both gave me great compliments which was nice. And the Alien Warrior was WAY less intimidating at that point. He ended up doing a guest set at the late show as well, so I got to see him perform again!

I was in Vegas for the World Series of Comedy this past week at the Alexis Park Hotel. I was one of 101 comics competiting in the competition, including Alien Warrior Comedian, who's real name is Mark Weitz. I didn't make it to his show Tuesday night, but heard that he advanced to the semifinals. I finally ran into him the following day out of costume. Definately not as intimidating without the costume. I saw him at a couple of the seminars and the booker meet and greet. His name even came up when we were hanging out with Screech (Dustin Diamond) at the Orleans.

I'm hoping to catch more of Alien Warriors act, other than just seeing a short guest set. If you wanna check him out go

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